The UP IEORD Monthly e-Newsletter (December 2023)
OuR Monthly JournIE
Dear UP IEOR Faculty, Students and Friends,
In the last several months, I have been thinking of how to share our successes and other information with all of you. We hosted events, our students won competitions, and our faculty members contributed to various activities. Thus, there many things to celebrate.
In 2010-2011, our department released three issues of this OuR Monthly JournIE, our one-page newsletter, a collection of one-liner news about happenings in our IE famIEly. We are reviving OuR Monthly JournIE with this December 2023 issue.
Contributions are most welcome for our next issues. Furthermore, your comments and suggestions on how this can be made better will be highly appreciated. You can send an e-mail to
I look forward to UP IEORD’s monthly JournIE with you.
Raymond Freth A. Lagria
IE Department Chair
In this Issue
- Ph.D. I.E. Approved!
- 1st Place Winner of the 5th International Statistics Competition for Engineering Students
- IEORD Co-hosts 1st Physical Internet Symposium
- Congratulations to our Faculty Members!
Ph.D. I.E. Approved!
On November 30, 2023, the Board of Regents approved the institution of the Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering of the College of Engineering, UP Diliman in its 1,385th meeting. We all look forward to welcoming our Ph.D. I.E. students soon!

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1st Place Winner of the 5th International Statistics Competition for Engineering Students
Congratulations! to The IEORD Quiz Team won the 1st Place at the 5th International Statistics Competition for Engineering Students held in Bandung, Indonesia on November 22-23, 2023. The team was composed of Steven Jom Milay, Paul Rainer de Villa and Nazka Leosala, and coached by Inst. Jason Fernandez and Inst. Cylene Sabio.

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IEORD Co-hosts 1st Physical Internet Symposium
Together with the University of Asia & the Pacific (UA&P) Science Engineering Management Research Institute (SEMRI) and the De Lasalle University (DLSU) Advance Research Institute for Informatics, Computing and Networking (AdRIC) and Enrique Razon Logistics Institute (ERLI), the IEORD co-organized the successful 1st National Symposium on the Physical Internet held on November 22, 2023 at the UA&P.

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Congratulations to our Faculty Members!
- Dr. Aura C. Matias – Manuel L. Quezon Gawad Parangal Awardee 2023
- Dr. Iris Ann G. Martinez – Japan Society for Promotion of Science Bridge Fellow 2023