IE/ORD Registration Guide 2nd Sem. AY2023 – 2024
To all students of the IE Department, please be advised of the registration procedures for the incoming 2nd Semester AY2023-2024.
Kindly also be advised of the following:
- The regular registration period starts on January 31, 2024 at 8:00am. This is also the start of the ff: opening of IEOR Department registration form, processing of waitlists, and processing of post-advising queue.
- During the regular registration period, all IEOR Department enlistments will be processed solely through the CRS waitlisting module. Requests for prerog will only be entertained after the end of the regular registration period (an e-prerog form will be released for this).
- While locked for post-advising, ALWAYS monitor your CRS account regularly for possible adviser remarks.
- Please ensure you finish your registration until your status is “ENROLLED” to avoid registration-related deficiencies.
- Subjects will be removed from blocks for the regular registration period. Please waitlist for the individual subjects you need. Slots are limited in a section so please plan accordingly.
- Monitor the CRS and the IEOR Department Facebook group for additional registration announcements.
- To determine your BS IE Year Standing, refer to the image criteria below…
(Click image to enlarge)
Below are the following useful links:
(Click image to enlarge.)