The UP IEORD Monthly e-Newsletter (June 2024)
OuR Monthly JournIE
Dear UP IEORD Faculty, Students, and Friends,
Just a few more weeks and we should have completed the whole academic year. I just would like to thank everyone for participating in the IE Department’s events. We have more in store for the next AY!
Kudos to everyone who have worked hard to pass their exams and requirements! Just a little bit more and you’ll have that restful long break.
Sir PamPam
Our Team Wins 2nd Place at PIIE-NSC Inter-university Academic Quiz Competition
Our 3rd and 4th-year students placed 2nd at the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers – National Student Chapter (PIIE-NSC) Inter-University Quiz Competition – National Capital Region Qualifying Round held on May 4, 2024. The 4th Year students of the team were Paul Rainer De Villa, Nazka Leosala, and Seven Jon Milay, who were joined by 3rd Year student Ariel Robert Jr. Hermoso. Instructors Jason Fernandez and Cylene Sabio coached the team. We are proud of you!

2nd Batch of IEORD MerchandIEse offered to IE friends
The IEORD, in partnership with the ALLIES 2023-2024, again offered (as 2nd batch release_ IEORD MerchandIEse to students, alumni and friends. These items, worth having and keeping, included shirts, jackets, notebooks, stickers, and lanyards.

New CIEs Take Oath
The new batch of Certified Industrial Engineers (CIEs) took their oath during the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers (PIIE) oath-taking ceremony held on May 31, 2024, which coincided with the PIIE’s 57th General Membership Meeting.
Congratulations to the new CIEs, especially our alumni members of the UPD FamIEly!

Congratulations to our Faculty Members
Congratulations to:
– Professor Iris Ann Martinez for:
– publishing her paper “A Proposal for Simple, Structured, Easy-to-Use Method for Determining Production Level to Lower Ending Inventory in MSME with Steady Demand and a Culture of Oversupply” in the Journal of Advanced Management Science Vol. 12(2): 75-78, doi: 10.18178/joams.12.2.75-78
– presenting her paper “Optimization of Online Teaching through Data Analytics and Direct Participant at the MIPRO 2024: 47th ICT and Electronics Convention (Engineering Education)“.
– Asst. Prof. Simon Anthony Lorenzo for publishing his paper together with MSIE alumnus, Kevin Kenneth Kwan, and Prof. Iris Ann Martinez, “Cost-Optimization of Condition-Based Maintenance Policies for a Two-Component Machine System with General Repairs and Process Rejects” in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer, Jan 2024, doi: https//
Upcoming Activities
Please support our IE Quiz Team as they take on the PIIE Inter-University Quiz Bee Competition Nationals!
The Operations Research Society of the Philippines, in collaboration with the DIEOR, invites you to register for its technical conference: The Digital Entrepreneur: Setting Up You Company with ChatGPT, to be held on June 7, 2024 at the Kaizen Innovation and Makerspace (KIM) Laboratory, IE-ME Building, UP Diliman, Quezon City.