[Registration Announcements] [2nd Sem AY 24-25]
A new section of IE 3 has been opened: IE 3 SJKL, S 2:00 – 5:00 PM Please use the waitlist module to request enlistment. Waitlists will be processed at the end of the day on January 20 and January…
A new section of IE 3 has been opened: IE 3 SJKL, S 2:00 – 5:00 PM Please use the waitlist module to request enlistment. Waitlists will be processed at the end of the day on January 20 and January…
The Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research invites you to our IE Graduate Programs Colloquium, where we’ll dive into: MS and MEng IE Graduate Programs A sneak peek into the PhD IE Program Meet your research advisers and gain…
Please be informed that additional slots for ES 1 sections SABCDEG and SIJKLNO will be opened exclusively for BS IE students. Students are requested to use the waitlisting module to enlist before the waitlist run at 4:00 PM Today, January…
The Policy Coordination and Monitoring Division (PCMD) of the Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, Emerging Technology Research, and Development (PCIEERD) is looking for a result-driven, analytical, detail-oriented, and resourceful individual to fill the vacancy for: Project Technical Specialist IContract of…
OuR Monthly JournIE Dear UP IEORD Faculty, Students, and Friends, As the end of the semester draws near, I would like to congratulate everyone in advance for making it up to this point. This 1st Semester was marred with typhoons…
Let’s rewind to last year’s Engineering Student Council’s Mental Health Project! MHP 23-24 brough some truly memorable events, giving students a much-needed mental breather – even if just for a little while. This year, we’re back and aiming even higher,…